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    high temperature graphitization furnace

    Within 3000 ℃ ultra-temperature furnace, it is used for kinds of carbon material and graphitization experiment and production.
    Used for carbon material carbonization and graphitization; Carbon fiber lamp filament graphitization.
    Power cabinet using mniseal dustproof structure can prevent electric carbon fiber and electric dust. Machine cabinet applies water-cooling radiator that ensure the heat don’t exchanged with indoor air.
    PLC centered control system ensure comprehensive protection and monitoring.It has many display and memory function that can ensure the system shut down and alarm automatically when fault occurs.And you can handle this quickly and easy according to the fault code.
    Closed water circulation system to cool the system,and the water flow can display on touch screen.
    Gas purification device can decrease oxygen content to 1ppmv, dew-point temperature less than -70 ℃
    Technical parameters:
    1.1Max. operating temp.:3000℃,Common temp.:2800℃,Under max. temp. circumstance, heating element use-time shoud be more than 10.
    1.2Working atmosphere:Vacuum replacement Ar、N2 protection (micro-positive pressure)vacuum pump 2X-30
    1.3 Heating zone size:constant temperature zone φ500×900mm;
    1.4Temp. uniformity:≤±10℃;
    1.5Temperature survey:far IR optics measurment,temp. measurement sensor type(retak 1000~3000℃);Accuracy:0.3%;(depend on infrared sensor accuracy class)
    1.6 Temperature control:40 part PID intelligent program control;(accuracy:±1℃)and manual control;

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